Sunday, January 23, 2011

Maid of honor and bridesmaids

Hello y'all! How's your day going? Mine starts out bueno.

So this is going to be my first post about wedding traditions. It's not (yet) about the difference in Northern versus Southern European traditions, but more.... Eastern/Western..?? Well it's about the bridal party. I know that many places, it's the most common thing to choose a maid of honor and several bridesmaids. However, this is not a common tradition neither in Denmark, nor in Switzerland. Here, the groom chooses a best man, aaaand.... that's it! And not that I want to have 15 bridesmaids, but I have been bugged by something lately: I want a maid of honor! And there's a rather longer reason to that.

I had been debating with myself for some time if I wanted to be followed down the aisle. In Denmark, tradition states that the bride's father walks her down the aisle and sits next to her during the Church ceremony. But this feels extremely "old fashioned" to me. I mean, I'm 30 (soon 31) years old, have been living on my own (in a foreign country) since I was 18 years old and thus feel pretty independent. Also, in Switzerland, the bride usually walks by herself, exactly because she considers herself an independent, modern woman. I know that my Padre actually liked idea to walk his daughter down the aisle, and I thought it was very sweet of him. Therefore, I'll walk down the aisle WITH him. (If the aisle of our church had been large enough, I would even have considered to walk with both of my parents, but that's not physically possible - our Church is really small.)

Now here comes the part of the maid of honor. I have sister. Lil' sista. I love her to death, and really wish that she'll be by my side too. Since Mr. Louis will have his brother by his side at the alter, I will choose to have my sister there, as my Maid of Honor :) So I plan on doing it the American way: my Padre will walk with me down the aisle, and then let me walk the last steps alone, up to the alter, where my sister will stand and sit next to me.

I haven't told my family yet about my plans, but I'm sure they'll be cool to roll with it :)

What did you choose to do? Did your father walk you down the aisle? Is it common in your country?

Have a great day!

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