Sunday, March 6, 2011


HoHey there! So I figured that I needed to focus on something that makes me feel better, and what always makes me feel happy is the thought of an impending vacation, especially to places far away. That's where our honeymoon comes in :)

Now you only honeymoon once in a lifetime (well, let's hope!), so it's ok to go a little overboard, right? ;)

My FI and I have been talking about different options. Of course, there's the obvious, luxurious possibility:

The Seychelles (source)

The Maldives (source)

Or the Caribbean (source)

But I have to admit, I have a bit of a problem to spend so much money, just to lay on the beach :-/ If I were a millionaire, things would be different though.... ;)

But we agreed, that our destination must involve a beautiful beach, different activities, cultural stimulation, good food and chilling possibilities. What did we come up with? Tatadada.... drum roll.... 

HAWAII ! (source)

There is everything! And it's not a place where we would go any other time. Now, nothing is set is stone yet, but we're VERY tempted ;)

Where did/do you go on your honeymoon?

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