Thursday, October 28, 2010

Venue, venue, venue

So I had always thought that when I would get engaged, the first thing I would browse for would be wedding dresses. However, now that I actually AM engaged, I googled venues to my big surprise! You see, two years ago my FI and I went to a friend’s wedding that took place in the beautiful settings of Northern Jutland (if you don’t know where that is and would like to know, see it here :-). Ever since, I have been very fond of the idea of an outdoor wedding, followed by a relaxed garden-party-like reception and BBQ dinner.

Maybe on a beach.... dreamy!

                                          (From Pink Pearl Images)


Or in a beautiful garden.... so elegant!

                                          (From Linmarr Davao Hotels)

                                          (From Secret Garden Weddings)

                                          (From Secret Garden Weddings)

I really love the decorations in the last 2 pictures, which are from Secret Garden Weddings (see more of their work here) in Sidney (Australia); they make beautiful decorations, you can see plenty of them if you visit their website. Unfortunately, I don’t live in Sidney (sigh) because I would totally ask them to decorate my wedding venue! Also, picking an outdoor venue in Australia might not be as difficult as in Denmark.... 

So our quest for an appropriate venue began. Since we live in a country where rain is more the rule than the exception, we started to look for places in beautiful surroundings (either close to the sea or in the country side), but where there would be a connected building as well, as a plan B if it would start raining by dinner time. But as it turned out, finding a venue that can accommodate about 70 people, with beautiful outdoor scenery where weddings are allowed, no more than 1 hour’s travel from Copenhagen (CPH), that allows you to bring your own food and drinks and reasonably priced, was really hard to find!

Here is a pick of some beautiful venues we considered but eventually dismissed, mostly due to the fact that you have to buy the food and drinks from them as well, which sadly increased the price over our allocated budget. But I definitely recommend these places if you are to marry in CPH and have unlimited funds ;-):

                                           Moltkes Palæ: the green salon

                                           Helbæk & Hansen: the ball room

                                           Huset i Magstræde:  Salon K

                                           Lantz: wedding settings

We now have a few new leads to follow....

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