Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A lazy day

This morning when I got up, this is what I saw from my window:

Pretty darn grey, eh? 
Ya, and friggin' cold! Actually, they predicted snow later in the day! So after having walked our dog, let's call him Little Louis shall we, I sank into the sofa. Even Little Louis didn't feel like doing much:

Since I now am unemployed, I was pretty happy not having to get dressed and get out in that weather again. Instead, I prepared a nice smoothie (banana, frozen strawberries and blueberries), a hot cup of coffee and whole wheat Ciabatta bread with black olive tapenade (my new obsession!).

Doesn't it look nice and healthy?

Actually, this is part of my new, healthier lifestyle. A few months ago, I vowed to start every day with a big glass of water and a dairy-free smoothie. And surprisingly, I actually stuck with that ever since! Usually, my morning smoothie consists of:

1 banana
4-5 frozen strawberries
2 tablespoons of frozen blueberries
1 glass of water

In summer time, I used fresh berries and varied them a lot. I also LOVE mango in the smoothie! And mint! Although not at the same time.... or? I also like to add 1 tablespoon of almond butter to the smoothie, it gives it a creamier texture. A little bit of coconut milk is also delicious. Sometimes I blend in a peeled apple as well, or a handful of fresh baby spinach (yo, don't make that scrunchy face! It's really good.... well you don't actually taste the spinach when served this way!).

Another big decision that I took New Year's Eve last year, is to go vegetarian. I have also honored that commitment ever since! More power to me ;)  I feel great and haven't missed meat or poultry at all, quite surprisingly, but I admit that I have really missed fish and seafood, so I'll have that about 2-3 times a month, until I'm ready to phase it out completely. Also at some point, after learning about the life of milk cows, I also avoided all dairy, but I couldn't hold it on the long term. What I missed most? CHEESE! I. love. cheese. Since I'm originally Swiss, I guess it's in my genes! So I now allow myself a good, organic cheese once in a while, and I buy organic milk (which I only use in my coffee). Maybe one day I'll have the strength to completely give up milk and cheese....

Since the weather calls for a lazy day, I'm getting all cozy in the sofa, with Little Louis, and I'll surf for wedding dresses on the net. I probably should work out later.... we'll see how that goes with all that laziness.... 

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