Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Finding me some dresses

Today, I got myself together and headed straight to one of the biggest bridal stores in Copenhagen. I don't really know why, but I had been putting it off for a while now. Strange, right? Shouldn't it be one of the first stops for a bride-to-be? Anyway, I went in, ready to find MY dress. I had several ones in mind (as I have shared here before) and had printed copies. The lady in the store was very nice and brought several similar dresses for me to try. To my big disappointment, I was not allowed to take pictures, so you will have to be content with the model pictures :-/

So first of, I wanted a simple dress, remember? Something like this:

Dessy dresses (source)

These are the ones I tried on, with a black velour sash:
Left: By New York (source); Right: Rembo Styling (source)

As soon as I saw myself in the mirror, I probably had the most blah moment ever in the history of clothes-trying! It looked so incredibly.... boring! There I was, standing in a big white trash bag, with a misplaced black ribbon severing me into two pieces. Isn't such a sash supposed to enhance my hourglass figure?? Well, that's NOT what it was doing!

Ok, so "simple" dresses were, well, just that: simple! And plain boring! I couldn't believe these actually costed more than $2000! Anyway, moving on to the next category: I also told you before that I liked Greek-inspired designs, so here are a few of the ones I tried:

Left: W1 White One (source); middle: Novia (source); right: Pronovias (source)

These were gorgeous, but I hated to admit that my body shape simply wasn't ideal for such dresses. Boo-hoo. Hereafter, the sales woman brought me different dresses that she thought I should try, that would suit my body type better. I won't bore you with all of them, let me just say that (1) OMG these dresses can be heavy! and (2) I was laughing really hard when I saw myself in one of them, looking like a giant meringue! That cheered me up a little after all the not-so-lovely-on-me dresses. But I still hadn't tried on anything that even came close to being a candidate.

Another type of gown that I have a secret love for is the elegant and sleek, 60s style dress. I tried a few of those as well:
Left: La Sposa (source); middle: Pronovias (source); right: San Patrick (source)

They were gorgeous, but somehow, I couldn't pull them off like these models can. At that point, I was really getting discouraged, thinking that there was no dress out there for me. The nice sales lady then asked me if she could bring me a few lace gowns to try. I wasn't thrilled with the idea, since lace is for old people, and the only good place for lace was at my grandmother's house. Or so I thought. Reluctantly, I tried on the first one (on the left):

 Left: W1 White One (source); Right: San Patrick (source)

I left the dressing room to look in the mirror, and woooh! OMG that dress was gorgeous! AND it looked like it had been made for me! I couldn't believe my eyes! FINALLY! I wasn't too fond of the bow just below the boobs, but the rest was pretty nice. I also tried a similar one with straps (right picture), which was equally nice.

So apparently, lace isn't only for old people.... hmm. They didn't have a lot of other lace dresses in the shop for me to try, so I left after having found 2 potential candidates. After coming home, I immediately searched the web for other lace dresses that I could get my hands on here in Denmark. Here are a few picks:

Top left: La Sposa (source); top right: Novia (source); lower left: San Patrick (source); lower right Pronovias (source).

So now I simply have to call the (few) bridal shops in CPH to find out who carries these (or similar) models.... more on that to come.

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