Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Breath in, breath out....

I have actually been a very good girl when it comes to my workout regime! I have been running, bicycling, rowing and going to aerobics classes. Today, I felt that I needed to do something a little bit more relaxing, so I took a yoga class together with a good friend of mine.

Now I've been to yoga before, even in real yoga studios where it won't get any more intense than that. But today, man did I not know what was coming! Instead of having a 90 minute long relaxing workout, it was a 90 minute long toughen-up-and-power-through class! After the first 25 minutes, we really felt like leaving, but my friend and I agreed that it would probably be rude to leave in the middle of things.... oh and also, we were quite sure that the instructor would have chased us down the corridor and dragged us back to finish the class, so we decided to stay and work through the pain and the zillions of very awkward positions.

We were pretty wasted when we came out of there, but in the end, pretty darned proud of ourselves that we stayed! We celebrated with a chai-latte - ya know, since it's Christmas and all. But I probably won't go back to this particular yoga class any time soon! I mean I don't mind getting yelled at during my nasty boxing-combat classes (tae-bo), or screaming really bad words during my not-so-relaxing runs on the treadmill, but as far as yoga goes, I'll hang on to my more relaxing sun greetings' classes.

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