Sunday, December 12, 2010

Getting closer to Christmas and STDs

I have been quite busy these last few days. Not so much with work or anything serious, but rather just having a completely packed social calendar! I have not been home a single evening this whole week! However, I do enjoy getting to the city these days, because there is just something special about CPH when we're getting closer to Christmas. First of all, the city is nicely decorated....

Strøget - the walking street (Personal photo)

oh and did I mention that we have tons of snow? Well it melted yesterday and today, but still, we had PLENTY:

Nyhavn (left) & Kongens Nytorv (right) (Personal photo)

Second of all, there is this really nice atmosphere with the smell of warm Glögg and æbleskiver everywhere. I really love both and have a hard time resisting them.... but luckily, my wedding-weight-goal keeps me in check :)

And third, we getting really close to Christmas! I LOVE this Danish (scandinavian perhaps?) tradition with calendar candles that are counting down to the 24th:

Do you know these candles? This photo is obviously a little older since it is now burned down to the 12th (Personal photo)

Although I have been busy with all the social networking and enjoying the Christmasy feeling and all, I did manage to (finally) select my STDs (and yes, writing this cracks me up! I'm 12). Long before we even had a date, I browsed wedding invitation sites and forums to find the cutest STDs (Ha! Again, sorry). I knew pretty early on that I didn't want the ones featuring our photos, and I couldn't find any DIYs I really liked. And now that we have a date, I ended up ordering these beauties from Wedding Paper Divas:

Save the Date cards from Wedding Paper Divas, style "European Swirls".

I like the flowery swirls on the left, the little delicate butterfly above the names, and the deep purple and gold combination. I am really exited about these little cards! I'm still unsure if we'll end up using the matching invites, but at least we can now send out the STDs (nope, no more comments from my side!).

Have you found your STDs? And are you enjoying the time leading up to Christmas or are you just swamped with work deadlines and gift  buying craziness?

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