Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

I have always thought that there is something really romantic about getting married on New Year's Eve. Starting the new year as husband and wife AND having the most memorable party ever! Bonus!
It's not very common in Denmark, but that's a shame really, there are so many possibilities regarding the decoration, colors and you can have fireworks to crown it all :)

The classic gold, champagne and brown palette:

Champagne, sparklers and cake - what's not to like? (source)

Another classic yet very romantic look:

So romantic and cute! (source)

And finally one of my very favorites: black & white - I have discovered that I absolutely LOVE the sophistication and modern flair of a black & white theme. It gets too sterile on its own, but with a splash of color (lime green, red or purple) it's perfect.

Black & white sophistication with a hint of lime (source)

Happy New Year everybody!


  1. Oh, I really love these boards! My own style would probably be most similar to the first one, but I really love the unexpected twist of lime in the last one. And the middle one is so romantic :)

    I hope you ended 2010 with a bang and began 2011 with style :) Happy New Year!

  2. Yup, we rang in 2011 with style :) Hope you had an equally nice New Year's!

    I see you've been busy with redesigning your site and I just have to say that I love love love it! SO pretty!
