Sunday, January 16, 2011

Getting myself some oooooom-ph

Hello you all! Hope you're having a great sunday! Mine has been a blast so far :)

I started the day by sleeping in (which I almost never do) and getting a healthy start of the day by blending myself a smoothie and cooking up some oatmeal with maple syrup, cinnamon and a shredded apple. Nothing better than oatmeal in winter time, yum!

In the spirit of healthyness, I then went to the gym and did 30 minutes on the treadmill, followed by an hour and a half of yoga. My legs felt like noodles afterwards, but it's all for the best, right?

I'm still keeping on track with my diet and fitness regime, and I'm so impressed with myself! But I'm also getting annoyed with the gym because it's January! Meaning that there are TONS of people now! Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I get a little antsy when I have to wait in line in order to get on a treadmill and torture myself.... hmmm. Oh well, I guess by mid-February this will all be over, eh?

Happy sunday :)

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