Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hey folks! How's your day going?

So we finally got a key to access our venue! We already found and booked it back in November. Just to remind you, it's the club house of a tennis club, a little up north from Copenhagen. It is only open during the outdoor tennis season, so from May 1st to September 30th, which is why we hadn't been able to get inside and take a few measurements, check available chairs, tables, etc. So I was so psyched when we got a key to check it all out! So here are the first pictures :) Of course there's plenty of snow still and a total mess inside right now due to winter, but just imagine a tidy room ;)

From outside:

Then the inside:

And plenty of tennis courts at our disposal ;)

Even out little dog agreed that it was a good venue.... for running around at least!

We measured the rooms, checked out the furniture, restrooms, etc. so I'm now ready to start planning the decoration, table set-up and much more now. I'm exited!

Have a great day!

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