Thursday, May 26, 2011

Unexpected challenge

Hello! How's your day going? Well I hope :-)

Do you know how sometimes things happen unexpectedly and make you pick your brain for a solution? Yeah? Well, that happened to us yesterday. We heard that our venue got a "makeover".... color wise! So we paid a little visit to the place, and yeps, they painted it! The colors went from mostly white with dark blue chairs, to these colors:

Woooa, right? The weird minty moss green is decorating the walls (talking about domination), while all chairs are now light grey (acceptable I guess) and the non-removable "blackboards" are rusty orange. Oh and the new curtains are a warm and sunny yellow (almost mustard yellow), but hey, we can remove those. Interesting, right? :-/

Some time ago, I completely fell head over heels for a mostly black & white, with a dash of purple (you can see my inspiration pictures here).

So what do you think; can my color scheme still work in a background of minty moss green surrounding walls?

I'm trying to figure out if we have to change our color palette or not.... I guess I also could incorporate the grey chairs, but those are easy to deal with by disguising them with chair covers.... It's mostly those weird green walls. I need to pick my brain on that one. Any ideas are appreciated :-)

Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My veil has arrived!

Hey hey! So I just got my veil! Yeah! I ended up ordering it from a Danish textile shop called Silkehuset, because it was waaay cheaper than buying it in a bridal shop, and also, it was made of genuine French lace (don't remember if it is Chantilly or Alençon lace though....) that is beautifully attached to a thick piece of tulle. Since I wanted a cathedral length veil, I ordered 3.5 meters, which seemed perfect considering the length of my dress's train. So here is my veil:

I'm so in love!

And the size of the lace was exactly what I had hoped for: not too big, not too small. I'm so psyched! 8-)

I was told to unfold the veil over something, to avoid wrinkles in the fabric. But it is quite difficult to find a place for 3,5 meters of tulle (!) So far, it's resting on my elliptical, hehe:

No more workouts here, haha!

Now I just need to figure out how I'll wear it :-) and if I need to sew a comb onto it.  

See you soon!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Veil update

So it seems that I'm in a "one post a month" kind of rut right now :-/ It certainly wasn't my intention to let a whole month pass by since my last post! Oops.... But here's for some news: I ordered my veil! Like a month ago, and I should received it any day now :-D So excited! It is a 3.5 m long lace-edged (aka. Mantilla) veil. So psyched about it! 8-)

So of course, I searched the web for pictures of a Mantilla veil with an updo hairstyle. Here's a selection of what I found and liked. My favorite way of wearing the veil with an updo, is further back on the head, so I'll show you these pictures first (all professional gown pictures in this post are from La Sposa):

I love everything about this look and how the veil is attached!

Pretty pretty pretty :)

I also love this style, where the large lace boarder is gathered differently at the point of attachment in the hair:

And then there's this possibility, where the veil is gathered big and puffy:

I LOVE the hairstyle in these pictures:

I love the French twist! (Source)

Or wearing the veil lower.

Another way to wear the veil is closer to the face (I like this look most for loose hair):

And finally, here's a very lovely picture with a laid back half updo with a veil attached further back:
I really like this look too :) but would it be too much with the big hair, lace dress and mantilla veil?

So yeah, basically I'm still contemplating the possibilities. Hopefully once I receive my veil, I'll be able to  try out a few option to see what fits my face.... Exciting!

Have a great day :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm back! With more veil and hair trouble....!

Hello out there! So I've had about a month's break from this bloggy.... I needed it! And it would have been quite boring to read about my wedding hair dilemma every day for one whole month, don't you agree? :-)

Anyhoo, I've been thinkung a LOT about my wedding hair lately, and was a teeny tiny bit depressed that I had nobody to talk this through with :-/ There is nobody around me that is getting married this year, so nobody's interested in talking about wedding related stuff.... Here's where this blog came back into the picture: it's patient and kind, and I can post anything I want to try to sort out my thoughts and collect an immense number of inspirational pictures :-) Unfortunately, it doesn't offer any feed-back, but hey, nobody's perfect.... ;-)

So what are my thoughts on my wedding hair now? Well, I really think that the long, loose and wavy hairstyle I first thought I'd opt for, is something that I really could wear anytime. And I mean, anytime. Therefore, something a little more special might be nice for my wedding day. Also, I really think that a veil looks more polished when worn with an up-do (just my opinion). Finally, I do think that an up-do also will look better with my dress. So up-do it is (... like 90% sure :-).

Here are a few up-do from celebrities, which I really like:

Camilla Belle's sleek and sophisticated up-do

Tyra's Oh so glamorous 'do

But boy do I still luuuve this look - maybe I should consider morphing my hairstyle after dinner? I just have to wear this style at some point, maybe at another party ;-)
Carrie Underwood's side ponytail

Here's also another pretty up-do, on a beautiful non-celebrity:
Isn't she gorgeous?

I'm a bit afraid that the last hairstyle will be too loose and romantic on me, thereby making me less put together and as if my hair wasn't styled carefully. Do you know what I mean? So something along the lines of the first two will probably work best on me. 

I'm off for now, but will be back very soon :-) Have a great day!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Wedding jewelry

Happy sunday people! Hope you're having a relaxing day :)

I've been thinking a little more about the whole wedding jewelry thing lately. Usually, I'm a very bling kind of person, so I love this kind of look:

(Indian wedding jewelry; source)

However, I (again!) think that all the lace on my dress is interfering with so much glam ;) Also, there are several small pearls, Swarowski crystals and sequins sewed onto the lace, so the dress is pretty sparkly by itself! Therefore, I'll probably go with a more low key jewelry style. Actually, I think just some earrings and maybe a slim bracelet, nothing more. 

Since my dress is quite vintagey, I was thinking about wearing pearl earrings. Something like this:

Simple and stylish (source)

For the bracelet, I was thinking along these lines:

Crislu bracelet (source: The latest trend)

Crislu bracelet (source: The latest trend)

The good thing is that I love jewelry and already have a quite large selection (of some cheap pieces, mostly costume jewelry and some real pieces), so I'll find something there to fit :)

What do you plan to/did you wear?

Have a great sunday!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wedding rings

Good morning! How's your saturday going?

After all the hair-veil headache, I've decided to think about something else. Though I should be making to-do lists for the gazillion things that need to be done, I decided to ignore the lists. Browsing wedding websites, I came across a top that I hadn't even considered before: wedding jewelry. And actually, another, related, kind of big topic: the rings (!!!!).

Well, the reason for this is that, I already have my ring. I got a really beautiful eternity ring from my FI for our 10 year anniversary as a couple, and that's the one I'll be wearing as my wedding ring. It's actually the swing celebration ring from Tiffany's:

(Source: Tiffany & Co)

So there's one thing I can cross off my list ;)
As for my FI's ring, there's a little twist. You see, he doesn't like jewelry on himself. He has tried, but really didn't like it. Hence, he is pretty positive that he won't be wearing a wedding ring (which is fine by me, since the commitment of marriage is not reflected in a ring). Si what we'll probably do is find a simple silver ring (very budget friendly!) and then take it from there. If he happens to like a ring on his finger, then we'll look into a more special one.If not, that's ok too.

Does your husband wear a wedding ring? Did you discuss the topic "men & rings"?

Have a great saturday!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

From hair to veil

Hello! How's you're day so far? Mine has been great :)

Since my odd dream yesterday, I couldn't stop obsessing thinking about my (wedding) hair.... an hence: the veil. If you have been reading my blog from the beginning, you know that I'm in luuuuve with Mantilla veils. Actually, I was so sure that I would want to wear one, that I ordered one (the real deal, made in France) in a very special color that matched my dress perfectly. Unfortunately, they contacted me a few days later, saying that this particular color had gone out of stock. I was kind of bummed out, and didn't want to order another color because I was unsure how it would fit with the dress (which is ivory, but with a bit of champagne and gold accents, making it almost a (a very light) dusty rose kind of color - very vintage).

Now, a couple of months have passed, and though I still adore Mantilla veils (cathedral length would be my choice), I'm now very unsure if I should wear one. I'm pretty positive that I'll wear a cathedral length veil for the church ceremony, but since my dress is with a lot of lace (here's quick reminder):

(Source: Maggie Sottero)

Would it be lace-overkill??
Now considering the fact that I'll probably wear my hair down, it might get close to this, which I find very elegant and beautiful:

 (Source: Weddingbee)

But I also fell over this pretty picture in the Wedding Bee forums, and I really like the clean and simple look with this simple though long veil:

(Source: Weddingbee)

Oh, what to do? I do recognize myself more in the second picture (style wise), but just can't get passed the beautiful Mantilla....

How did you choose your veil? Hair style? Did choosing it give you as much of a headache consume as much of your thoughts-time?